Bespoke Services

Accompanying you in your fine jewelry journey is our priority. We love nothing better than working with you to create something truly special for those you love or simply to love yourself better. Hence, our atelier will be in touch with you to take an appointment with us for a bespoke experience where you’ll get to meet and co-design with our goldsmiths and design experts.

Each bespoke piece is thought out by our team like an exclusive design that tells your unique story: from the sketches, to the discussions at optimizing the aesthetic until you reach full satisfaction.

Book Your Virtual Appointment

Get in touch with us to create your jewelry or custom engagement ring.

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Step 1: Consultation

A 30 minutes chat to discuss concept style, budget and all other important details

Step 2: Concept Sketches

Based on previous styles discussion, a proposal will outline your preferences and three hand-drawn sketches will begin to define the piece’s silhouette.

Step 3: Second Consultation

A second discussion to narrow the scope of the work, along with materials and colors and refining the architecture of the selected piece.

Step 4: Rendering + Estimate

Digital renderings demonstrate the piece’s scale and form, allowing us to produce an estimate of finished cost.

Step 5: Production

Once the design is validated, Production will start in our atelier. Production lead time (2-3 weeks)

Step 6: Bespoke Delivery

Your co-designed piece comes home to start its own unique journey!